What scripts banned on your servers ?

The following scripts are banned from use on our servers and may not be uploaded or run. Reasons for banning them include adverse effects on server load, invitations to hackers/spammers/criminal activity, etc.

IRC egg drops
Proxy servers
Mail bombers
Anonymous mailers
Optin Lists
Mass Mailing scripts
IP spoofers
Port scanners
UBB (Ultimate Bulletin Board, all versions)
Ikonboard, Yabb (all versions)
FormMail.cgi, FormMail.pl from Matt's Script Archive are not allowed. See Here
Greymatter (gm.cgi
Cgi/Perl Content management systems like Moveable Type ( mt.cgi ).

Shell, SSH, Telnet Scripts and Shell, SSH, Telnet Alternatives. 
Any script that uses & processes a massive number of flatfiles or large flatfile databases

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