How to setup bnbform on website ?

Here are the steps you need to following to setup bnbform on your site:

1. Download this zip file that has all the following files


Files Description







Detail setup and configure instructions

The script

Sample form that use the script

Auto response message

Missing information page

Thank you page

2. Use the program Notepad to open bnbform.cgi script and make sure
it says: #!/usr/bin/perl on the first line.

3. Make sure this line $SMTP_SERVER = "localhost" is disabled by placing a "#" in front of it.

4. Make sure this line $SEND_MAIL="/user/sbin/sendmail -t" is enabled
by removing a "#" in front of it.

5. Save the file with notepad and keep the same extension (cgi).

6. Open mymessage.baut and fill in the body of your auto response
message. Save the file with the same extension.

7. Upload the files bnbform.cgi and mymessage.baut to your cgi-bin
folder in ASCII mode and make sure you set the permission on
bnbform.cgi to 755.

8. Open bnbform.htm and go down to <!-- SCRIPT

9. Change the submit to value to

10. Change the form_id value to the subject name of the email that
will be sent to you when someone click "submit" on the form.

11. Change the ok_url value to the web location of thanks.htm.

12. Change the not_ok_url value to the web location of oops.htm.

13. Customize the bnbform.htm to fit your website.

14. Save bnbform.htm and keep the same extension.

15. Customize the thanks.htm and oops.htm to fit your website and
save them as well.

16. Upload the other files bnbform.htm, oops.htm, and thanks.htm to
your web page directory but not in cgi-bin folder.

17. Now the Bnbform is ready to use!

If you have any problems in configuration, please open helpdesk ticket.

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