HTTP Error 500 - Internal server error

If you installed a new script and are getting the 500 error trying to load the page please see this document first as you might need to turn register globals on.

When you receive an error "Internal server error 500" on your site, you have to check the error log in your cPanel for more information. To do this log in your cPanel, click on the "Error log" in Logs box and you will see a list of the last error messages displayed by your website. In this list you will find detailed information about each error including: the date and time of the error, some information about the client receiving the error, description of the error and information about which folder or file is generating the error. Here are some examples of the most common ones and how to fix them:

error: directory is writable by others: (/home/user/public_html/)

This could be easily fixed by just changing the permissions of the file/directory in question. Please note that you are able to change the permissions by using the File Manager within the cPanel, or an FTP client (for example: Filezilla). The correct permissions are 755.

error: file has no execute permission: (/home/user/public_html/)

In order to fix the issue, please use your FTP client or the Filemanager within the cPanel and change the permissions of the file in question to 755.

Permission denied: /home/user/public_html unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

The error is related to an incorrect permissions of the .htaccess file. However, such error message could be invoked if the permissions for the folder are not the correct ones either. Please ensure that both folder and .htaccess file within are set with 755 permissions.

Premature end of script headers: /home/user/public_html

Such error message could be invoked by several reasons:

-- the script requires more than the usual time to be processed and is being killed by our system. In order to ensure the proper behavior of the other hosted accounts we have set the TimeOut for our webserver to 10 secs.

-- there is an error within the programming code of the script in question. In this case it should be revised by a professional web developer who will be able to assist you further.

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