Can I change registrars after registering a domain name?

Yes, you may change the registrar sponsoring your domain name at any time more than sixty days after initial registration. For details on the transfer process, contact the registrar you would like to assume sponsorship of the registration.

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How do I transfer a or domain?

To submit a transfer to eNom for a .uk domain, we use the "auto-verification" transfer method....

Domain transfer process

Domain transfer process You need to contact your current domain registrar. You can check the...

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the essence of your company's or personal online identity. It is the...

How do I transfer a domain name away from eNom?

If you choose to work with a different registrar and need to transfer your registration away from...

Will my name and contact information be publicly available?

Yes. Information about who is responsible for domain names is publicly available to allow rapid...