Why is FormMail.cgi, FormMail.pl from Matt's Script Archive banned ? Can I use other formail scripts ?

FormMail.cgi,FormMail.pl from Matt's Script Archive are banned because of security
reasons. Spammers are known to spam using your formmail without your
knowledge. You are free to use other formmail scripts like: bnbform.cgi See Here

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Does MisterCertified support PHP, MySQL and/or Perl?

Yes, all our servers supports latest stable versions PHP, MySQL and Perl. At...

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There is a large amount of natural variation in the actual amount of crawling on any given day...

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Usually, we never spontaneously shut down sites. We are fairly liberal when it comes to...

Do you support MySQL?

Yes, We love to host MySql DB based sites. We provide latest stable MySql version.