What scripts are banned to use at MisterCertified?

The following scripts are banned from using them on our servers and may not be uploaded or run. Reasons for banning them
include adverse effects on server load, invitations to hackers/spammers/criminal activity, etc. 

IRC egg drops 
Proxy servers 
Mail bombers 
Anonymous mailers 
IP spoofers 
Port scanners 
UBB (Ultimate Bulletin Board, all versions) 
Ikonboard, Yabb (all versions) 
FormMail.cgi, FormMail.pl from Matt's Script Archive are not allowed. See Here

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Is anonymous FTP access supported?

We do not support anonymous FTP at this time.

My site is loading slow in google webmaster...

There is a large amount of natural variation in the actual amount of crawling on any given day...

Does each domain have its own mail server?

Yes, every domain you host with MisterCertified will get separate mail server. For Example: Your...

Do you allow MP3 sites?

Yes, we do allow legal MP3 sites as long as these sites stay within our Terms of...

Do you offer webmail service?

Yes. All our plans comes with web based email which gives you the ability to check your email...