What is your policy on Spamming or Bulk Emailing?

Spamming and bulk e-mail are not tolerated at any cost. MisterCertified users that spam or
bulk e-mail will immediately be removed from the network and are subject to $100 fine.

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קראו גם

What scripts are banned to use at MisterCertified?

The following scripts are banned from using them on our servers and may not be uploaded or run....

Does each domain have its own mail server?

Yes, every domain you host with MisterCertified will get separate mail server. For Example: Your...

Do you support Microsoft Frontpage Extensions?

Yes. we do support Front Page Extensions 98, 2000 and 2002 on our servers. You can install Front...

Do you allow MP3 sites?

Yes, we do allow legal MP3 sites as long as these sites stay within our Terms of...

Does your server have the ImageMagick support?

No, we do not have support for ImageMagick at this time. However you can use PHP GD for image...