Do you support SSH, Telnet access?

No, we do not offer Telnet and SSH access at this time due to security reasons.

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Can I get any help with my cgi script configuration?

We will supply you with all the information you need to set your scripts up on our servers....

What platform or operating system (OS) does MisterCertified use?

Our servers are currently running Apache Web server over Linux (UNIX).

Does your server have the ImageMagick support?

No, we do not have support for ImageMagick at this time. However you can use PHP GD for image...

My site is loading slow in google webmaster...

There is a large amount of natural variation in the actual amount of crawling on any given day...

What scripts are banned to use at MisterCertified?

The following scripts are banned from using them on our servers and may not be uploaded or run....