Do you allow MP3 sites?

Yes, we do allow legal MP3 sites as long as these sites stay within our Terms of Service limitations.

Please see our terms and conditions for permissible and
impermissible content and account usage.

?האם התשובה שקיבלתם הייתה מועילה

 הדפסת המאמר

קראו גם

About syslog() function

Due to security issue we are not allowing syslog() function in our shared server...

Do you support Microsoft Frontpage Extensions?

Yes. we do support Front Page Extensions 98, 2000 and 2002 on our servers. You can install Front...

Is anonymous FTP access supported?

We do not support anonymous FTP at this time.

My site is loading slow in google webmaster...

There is a large amount of natural variation in the actual amount of crawling on any given day...

Does each domain have its own mail server?

Yes, every domain you host with MisterCertified will get separate mail server. For Example: Your...