Do you support audio or video streaming ?

No. Audio or video streaming requires huge resources since all our hosting plans are in shared hosting environment we do not support any kind of streaming.

We suggest you go with VPS server plans for audio or video streaming.

Please see our cloud server plans

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Is domain name registration included with hosting plan ?

No. You need register domain separately because many of our clients already own registered...

Do I have to sign a contract to use your service?

No. No contracts or other long term commitments are needed to purchase hosting plan with...

Will my account renew automatically?

Yes, unless you tell us otherwise, your account will renew automatically at the end of...

What domain extensions do you support for hosting?

We support virtually all top level ( .com , .net ,.org etc ) and country level domains like...

What are the payment methods you accept ?

We accept Paypal Payments and All major Credit Cards. We accept Master Card, Visa,...